Politics of Leadership

“(Political) leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”

John F. Kennedy

Keep it Simple, Stupid!

Keep it Simple, Stupid!

KISS – Keep It Simple, Stupid – was widely used as a slogan in the computer industry throughout the eighties and nineties. “The Office” made it a meme – but it is an adage worth resurrecting as a guiding principle.

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Accountable Leadership

Accountable Leadership

As much as we like to talk about the failures – or absence – of political leadership in Australia over the last decade, there is an equal dearth of responsible and accountable leadership everywhere – including in our favourite sport – Cricket.

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The Longevity Vacuum

The Longevity Vacuum

Short term thinking has taken hold of our society at all levels – our political leaders rarely see beyond the next poll or the next election, and in many ways they are responding to a populace that is equally sucked into the demands of the moment – resulting in ‘the longevity vacuum’ – putting us all at the mercy of an unplanned future.

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