Media and Politics

“Journalism is what we need to make democracy work.”

Walter Cronkite

ACCC takes on the Internet giants – sort of…

ACCC takes on the Internet giants – sort of…

The ACCC digital platform inquiry is a mixture of some real reform suggestions and the usual tinkering around the edges of a flawed regulatory regime. It is a step in the right direction, but short on vision and devoid of courage to take the lead.

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The Corpocracy Rules!

The Corpocracy Rules!

Interview with independent journalist Michael West abou the corpocracy, defamation laws, watergate, business tax avodiance and the often unhealthy intersection between business and government.

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Media Failures and Politics – Part One

Media Failures and Politics – Part One

Media power has been around “forever”, and Chomsky’s seminal work on manufacturing consent is as relevant as ever – media is failing its intended role of keeping the powers that be to account.

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Independent media growth gathers pace!

Independent media growth gathers pace!

Independent media growth in Australia is accelerating. As print media continues to decline, the mainstream media operators lose ground even faster in the online space. Independent media grew by 21.7% from February to May 2019.

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Independent media continues to grow!

Independent media continues to grow!

Independent media continues to grow apace, while mainstream media is at best stagnant. Independent media grew by 9.7% in February 2019, compared to a paltry 1.1% at the big end of media town. A piece I wrote a couple of months ago resonated with readers and spurred me...

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Independent media on the rise

Independent media on the rise

Independent media is on the rise. As we head into the new year – elections looming – trust in politicians is at an all-time low, aided and abetted by mainstream media focused on headlines instead of substance – but voters can and should seek answers elsewhere.

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The Politics of Media Power

The Politics of Media Power

The politics of media is not just about curbing the power of powerful media proprietors. Politicians must stop being such easy targets and use the power vested in them by the people.

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Media Ethics and Politics

Media Ethics and Politics

It’s not just politicians that need to be held accountable to a set of ethical standards. Media ethics may be better defined by journalist’s code of conduct, but too often it is being sacrificed on the altar of a catchy headline or not letting the truth get in the way of a good story.

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Opinion Rhapsody

Opinion Rhapsody

Opinion Rhapsody – courtesy of Dustin & Genevieve – this brilliant parody set to the magnificent music of Queen is just too god not share. As “covers” get this about as good as it gets – opinion rhapsody is true to the original. Enjoy!

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