Free Speech Matters!
“The only remedy for the consequences of free speech is free speech.”

The Religion of Sports
The religion of sport is not what you think, Israel Folau. The most riduclous debate that serves only to divide is a sad reflection on the currents state of affairs in the country we both love.

A Secular Nation
Australia is a secular nation. It is enshrined in our constitution, yet we have a Prime Minister and many others in Parliament who don’t quite seem to understand what that means. The Ruddock report reveals not only state laws in possible conflict with federal law, but with the constitution and the principles of secularism.

Art Encounters of the Jones Kind
Alan Jones’ bullying knows no bounds. And when Gladys Berejiklian instructed Opera House CEO Louise Herron to allow Jørn Utzon’s iconic sails to be defaced by advertising for a horse race, she enables it.

The Responsibility of Free Speech
Free speech means the freedom of having any opinion, promoting any religion or ideology, distorting history and declaring that climate change is a hoax and that earth is not a planet but a pancake.

It’s all about respect!
The debate on Cultural Appropriation needs to be put into perspective, and the hoary old chestnut of Political Correctness derails proper debate – it is all about respect!