Democracy reform is long overdue!

“When people are engaged they will listen, if our elected leaders are accountable, they must listen, and if we all spent more time listening to each other, democracy will thrive.”

from “Why Democracy is Broken – A Blueprint for Change”

My week with Malcolm and the hypocrisy of our democracy

My week with Malcolm and the hypocrisy of our democracy

Otto von Bismarck (in)famously said: “Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable - the art of the next best”. It is a sentiment I abhor. And Malcolm Turnbull’s tome of atonement - “A Bigger Picture” - unwittingly demonstrates with abundant clarity that the...

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Getting voters involved!

Getting voters involved!

Interview with Adam Jacoby – founder of MiVote and a man with much to say about how we can remove the vested interests from the political descision making process and getting voters involved. Adam offers interesting solutons, but above all he offers hope!

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A Ministry of Mediocrity

A Ministry of Mediocrity

In the (in)famous words of Donald Horne: “Australia is a lucky country run by mainly second-rate people who share its luck.” The new Morrison Government is a mostly uninspiring group lacking in diversity and bereft of vision.

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Game of Votes

Game of Votes

Just as Game of Thrones seems likely to end with a whimper, leaving someone in charge as corrupted by the process of getting there as the psychopath who crumbled under the weight of the rubble that killed the incumbent – Cersei Lannister – the Game of Votes may well end up proving that the more things change, the more they stay the same…

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Keep it Simple, Stupid!

Keep it Simple, Stupid!

KISS – Keep It Simple, Stupid – was widely used as a slogan in the computer industry throughout the eighties and nineties. “The Office” made it a meme – but it is an adage worth resurrecting as a guiding principle.

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