Turned to writing at 60, reckon that'll do for the next 30 years, then I'll become a musician - after that, who knows, maybe a wizard...

The American way. Electoral reform bill to entrench major parties’ power
The Electoral Reform Bill being rammed through Parliament by Labor and LNP is an attempt to cement the Labor/LNP duopoly and bring US-style ‘democracy’ to Australia. Kim Wingerei reports. Under the disguise of removing big money from politics, Labor and LNP have...

Human Rights Commission accepts complaint against Peter Dutton
The Australian Human Rights Commission has accepted a group legal action against Peter Dutton under Australia’s Racial Discrimination Act, accusing him of discrimination and inciting racial hatred. Kim Wingerei with the update. The complaint by a group of 10...

Optus chose its own ACMA fine, proofread the PR – What’s the Scam?
Telco regulator ACMA gave Optus the opportunity to comment on its own proposed fines for misconduct, and the comms too. What’s the scam? The scam is like you getting a parking fine with a cover letter saying the fine is between $150 and $300, but first, we’d like to...

Optus chose its own ACMA fine and proofread the PR message. What’s the scam?
The telecommunications regulator, ACMA, has been found to give Optus the opportunity to comment on the magnitude of proposed fines for misconduct, and on how their conduct should be communicated to the public. What’s the scam? The scam is like you getting a parking...

Poll claims almost half the world’s population, 20% of Australians antisemitic
If a survey undertaken by the US-based Anti-Defamation League is to be believed, 4.7m Australians are antisemites. Is that really true? Kim Wingerei looks at the data. According to the ADL survey, “anti-Jewish sentiments are at an all-time high globally, revealing...

Labor’s $3 billion NBN campaign pitch. What’s the scam?
An extra $3B in funding for the National Broadband Network, Labor adds NBN nirvana to its campaign pitch. What’s the scam? The scam is that the investment does not mean any new fast broadband connectionsf. All it means is that NBNCo will have the money to complete...

AUKUS propelled rockets to take off from Arkansas? What’s the scam?
The AUKUS Forum continues to amaze. Its latest initiative endeavours to extend AUKUS submarines to rockets. Or at least get on the AUKUS gravy rocket. What’s the scam? The scam is the many ways a private group of AUKUS enthusiasts is endeavouring to get its hands on...

Peter Dutton could face legal action for racial discrimination
A group representing Jewish, Palestinian and Muslim communities have lodged a complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission claiming Peter Dutton has engaged in racial vilification and discrimination. Kim Wingerei reports. The legal action requests a public...

Airfares rocket, Rex gets parachute, Coldplay to blame. What’s the scam?
With Rex Airlines pulling capital city routes, the ACCC says fares have risen up to 95%. Meanwhile, the Government has announced a $80m funding deal for Rex. What’s the scam? The scam is that the Rex package will not make any difference to airline competition on major...

Big Four ‘under scrutiny’. Another committee, another report, and forty recommendations
The PwC multinational tax avoidance scandal has led to a slew of parliamentary inquiries, reports and much handwringing. The latest includes no less than 40 recommendations. But will anything change? Kim Wingerei reports. The Parliamentary Joint Committee on...