The Return: Fathers, Sons and the Land In Between
author: Hisham Matar
name: Kim
average rating: 4.15
book published: 2016
rating: 4
read at: 2020/05/23
date added: 2020/05/23
Not an easy read, but you should

A journey few of us can really understand, but I suspect those who have experienced loss the way Hisham has, will relate to. Grief for a father, a family and a country ruined by a brutal regime pours out of every page. The observations and ruminations are at times excruciating, painfully honest and stark reminders of how precious life is, even as hope is the most fragile of threads. Read it, weep and keep it up until the very last page. The author and his people deserve that – and so much more – from the rest of us mostly oblivious to the seemingly never ending plight of the people of Libya.

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